Numerologist Review!! My genuine opinion (Spent hours researching Online)


Numerologist Review!! My genuine opinion (Spent hours researching this)

If you believe in fortunetellingpalmreading, or literally anything that tells you what’s about to happen in the near future, this is for you. If you don’t, then what are you doing here?!?

Just kidding! Welcome! I hope you’re having an incredible life. 🙂

Speaking of “incredible life“, did you know that there’s a way to know if you’re going to have one without even going to a woman with a bandana and vinyl belt?

Yes, fortune-telling, I know. But, this one’s a little “advanced” and “modern“. You don’t have to visit your nana’s fortune-teller to tell you what’s up and what’s about to go down. This isn’t a joke. I’ve tried it myself, and I was struck by the accuracy! It’s like, the guy from across the screen has already laid his eyes on me and has even lived my life… it actually felt like it, it’s weird and partly scary

I actually really suck at numbers, but numerology makes numbers fun for me. I guess.

But first, what is numerology?

What is Numerology?

If you’re familiar with astrology, you’ve probably come across numerology at some point. It is a form of “divination” or “future forecaster” that deals with numbers that can be associated with a person’s life.

While astrology consists of a number of belief systems that hold that there is a relationship between astronomical phenomena and events or descriptions of personality in the human world; numerology, on the other hand, is simply a study of numbers in one’s life; a belief in the connection between numbers and the events in our lives, and is said to be the “universal language of numbers“.

Numerologists acknowledge the Greek philosopher, Pythagoras of Samos, the founder of Pythagoreanism, for the Pythagorean theorem discovery. It states that the area of the square whose side is the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the areas of the squares on the other two sides.

Pythagoras and his acolytes believed in mystical properties of numbers. As stated by the author of “Numerology: Or What Pythagoras Wrought“, Underwood Dudley, the Pythagoreans became interested in number mysticism after discovering a particularly fascinating fact about numbers.

This led the Pythagoreans by the conclusion that “All Things Are Number“. There is no clear explanation for this saying, but if I was to expound it in my own words, I would say Pythagoras believes that all of the things around us can be represented by numbers and proportions. How about you, what could be the meaning of those words?

Lots of people from the internet use Numerology and Astrology to give and take advice and readings to/from other people. I am quite a fan of practices like this, but I guess it’s just me having a mother who believes whatever the tarot lady said about her having a good life and abundant business in the next 10 years.

And… because I kind of got hooked by numerology and such, this led me to this website that most people go to for palm-reading. I mean, kind of a beneficial since we can’t go out to go to actual palm-reader, am I right? Clever.

In this article, let’s review and uncover some truths and falsifications about Numerologist – one of the most popular virtual “future readers” on the web. Ready?

What’s behind

Numerology review is a free numerology report you can find on the internet. It gives you insights about your life path number, soul urge number, and other accurate numbers related to your being. They describe their service as “ACCURATE NUMEROLOGY READING & LIFE GUIDANCE“.

I know my truth when I say the reading is insanely accurate. I’ve let other people, including my family and friends, try it out to see for themselves. They got hooked, that it was crazy, that it shows sharp results it “doesn’t make any sense“. Astonished much?

Numerologist makes up of a team of numerologists, writers, educators, and tech developers who are committed to providing credible information and education on numerology. The goal is to help you boost the value of different areas of your life, may it be in businesspersonal successrelationshipslife strengths, your ideal character and personality, and the talents and skills that you may have but have never been discovered. They have the “answers“. provides indepth information and knowledge about all the aspects affecting your life. They gathered information that will help them help you figure out what’s right and what’s wrong that needs to be avoided.

The website is not limited to “Numerology“, in fact, but their service also has 9 categories to help users and visitors make the most out of it. They have actual “professionals” or “contributors“, that you will see if you scroll on the page all the way down, which helps verify the truths about numerology and whatnot.

The 9 Categories are:

  • Numerology Lessons, Readings & Forecasts
  • Predictions & Forecasts Accurate and Updated Astrology Predictions, and Numerology Forecasts
  • Career & Wealth– How To Make Money, Increase Abundance and Find Your Dream Job
  • Love & Relationships– Decoded by Numerology and Astrology
  • Health & Wellbeing– Powerful Practices to Elevate Your Health and Wellbeing
  • Personal Growth & Success– Best Kept Secrets To Having An Awesome Life
  • Astrology– Horoscopes, Signs, and Forecasts (Updated on the website weekly)
  • Divination– Top Divination and Prediction Tools and Practices Revealed
  • Tarot– Free Tarot Readings and Tips From the Top Tarot Experts

How Does Work?

When you go to the page, there’s a video there where they ask for your name and birthdate, and from there, they will use that information to “read” your life, basically. I find it actually kind of creepy, in a sense. I’ve tried other systems, but this one is the MOST ACCURATE, and I’m not just saying that. I’ve experienced it!

There are 5 elements that form the core of your chart that impact your life that was mentioned on the video:

  • Lifepath Number
  • Birthday Number
  • Soul Urge Number
  • Expression Number
  • Personality Number

But there are only 3 core numbers:

The Lifepath Number– maps out the direction of your life, or simply, maps out the “path” your life is headed.      

The Expression Number
– illuminates every aspect of your personality; the unknown talents you possess, what you need in order to be whole at this moment, and how to reach your full potential in everything you do.   

The Soul Urge Number– this final core number will help you figure out what you want in life to make you truly happy. It will help you reconnect with your inner desire, the one that makes you feel alive.

You can almost say that the service is under-delivering, but as you go through, you’ll realize that it is quite the opposite. It does tell you what YOU already know as if it’s actually reading your mind from the screen. Crazy!

There are two types of methods the team uses to help anyone with their numerology report. However, please know that there are tons of ways or techniques in Numerology. Numerologist only uses these two methods to make it easier for anyone to understand.

2 Methods:

  • They would ask for your birth name and birthday, and from there, they would “calculate” it to give you summarized information about several parts of your existence. I can’t tell you much since it differs from person to person, but you can definitely know what’s your report by going to their website and test it out yourself. 🙂
  • The second method is a little complicated but they also ask about your basic information (birth name and birthdate), although in this method, one has to have some sort of “guru” or “expert” with strong spiritual connections. This method is helpful in finding answers and understanding the problems in our lives.

Both methods have the same procedure: the “Master” will gather every number he’s got from your birth name (name & surname) and birthday, calculate it, to get vital information about us.

At this point, I know you’re a little skeptical. Maybe you’re thinking, “Who the fudge created this thing?“, “Are they real humans?“, “Does it actually work with anyone?“, and so on…

Now, for you to feel at ease, let’s get to know who the founder is…

The Founder— Mike Madigan

I’m guessing you’re kind of hoping to see what the “Master” of Numerologist actually looks like. I can’t give you many details of what he looks like, but I’m sure you’ll get his reasons. He doesn’t want to be seen. He just wants to offer his service to help people find what they want in life. I guess let’s just respect his decision. Capiche? 🙂

From what I’ve put together, Mike Madigan, the founder/”Master” of, is a former “mathematician” who dedicated his time to promoting science and numerology. He’s written/published good numbers of eBooks and has been helping people in numerology reading.

He’s also written on palmistry, which means the claim of characterization and foretelling the future through the study of the palm also known as chirology, or “palm reading“. In a sense, Mike is not only a well-known numerologist but also an experienced “palmist“.

Mike, together with his team in Numerologist dedicated their lives to helping the people, the ones who believe, the deeper knowledge and empowerment they truly deserve.

What’s Included in the System?

Numerologist offers different products on their website that anyone can add-to-cart directly. Some of the products are:

Deluxe Numerology Report – Regular Price: $77, Sale Price: $37

Here you will discover your true nature, undetected talents, secret strengths, and more. They included 60+ pages of personalized and detailed readings based on your name and date of birth.

Personality Decoder – Regular Price: $29.99, Sale Price: $14.99

This is an alternative to the Deluxe Numerology Report. It is potent, precise, and fully personalized to only the numbers in your chart/report that you need to know to make empowering decisions and take command of your destiny. Included is a 36-page report with readings on the 5 most telling numbers of your chart.

Daily Numeroscope – Regular Price: $27/month, Sale Price: $7/month

An “insanely accurate” and personalized daily report delivered straight to your inbox, that will help you regret, make confident decisions, and harmonize with hidden Universal energies so you wake up everyday feeling “divinely guided“.

Annual Numerology Forecast – Regular Price: $59.99, Sale Price: $39.99

A “powerful” and personalized forecast designed to illuminate your path ahead and empower you to make decisions that can change one’s life for the better, immediately. Included are 50+ pages of simple yet “insanely accurate” predictions for your year ahead.

The Cosmic Collection – Regular Price: $77, Sale Price: $37

It explores the deepest corners of personality. It goes far beyond your average horoscope to give you personalized guidance on your career, relationships, health, and purpose based on your Planetary Ruler, Element, Personal New Year, and more. Included are a fully personalized astrology report and 3 bonus reports.

Monthly Astrology Forecast – Regular Price: $27/month, Sale Price: $7/month

A personalized reading of the most pivotal and profound astrological events headed your way every single month. You will anticipate your problems better, cope with changes, and look forward to all the wonderful surprises ahead. Included are personalized monthly reports on your core chart aspects, plus key transits and planetary influences to watch out for.

Manifesting with Numbers – Regular Price: $497, Sale Price: $247

A video program design to help you unlock the secret manifestation power of numbers. A video of modules, guided rituals, and powerful techniques. A numerology experience that will give you direct access to the 10 most powerful forces of the Universe. Included are 16 video modules, audios, transcripts, activation rituals 4 “never-seen-before” bonuses.

What Makes Numerologist Unique?

Now, what makes the system unique from other Numerology reading systems?

  • Up-to-date Blog

When you visit their website, you can see from the “Blog” menu the list of written reports and/or articles that people can read to make their time worthwhile. They also have videos to back up these articles, and in fact, Numerologist has a Youtube channel with more than 48K subscribers.

  • Price

Numerologist’s prices vary depending on what you need and what areas you want to focus on. It’s really convenient for people who only want some parts to concentrate on while also gaining enough knowledge about them.

  • Free Numerology Report

It’s one of the popular features of Numerologist that makes one get started with the service. All you have to do is provide your name and birthdate, as I’ve mentioned earlier on the “methods” part.

  • You Can Definitely Learn Something

Of course, this is a program that helps people (that are open and interested in this). One can learn by purchasing any products that Numerologist offers. The website allows users to immerse and improve in numerology, and how does it work in targeting several areas of life.

Who is it For?

Mike’s program isn’t for everyone. There are people who don’t believe in things like Numerology and Astrology. Some people might be skeptical because of what seems like it is “imposing“.

Some religions are against practices like palm and psychic readings. It’s just about respecting other people and their choices in this one.

Now, this is only an opinion about the matter, about the system. The plan is to make you understand how it works and who will enjoy the reading.

All I’m saying is that this system is for anyone who believes in numbers having to do with events and occurrences in our lives. It’s for people who think that anything happens because the Universe has to do with it, or the Universe is telling them something.

Pros and Cons

I sound so biased from all of the things I provided you, I know. So here is the section where we get to weigh a few things about Numerologist:


  • Free first numerology report without any charges
  • 2-month long moneyback guarantee for the packages
  • Fast reports directly in your inbox
  • Quality and accuracy of the reports
  • Customized reports
  • Good source of wisdom


  • This is NOT for everyone
  • Too much information that others may not fancy
  • Available ONLY in eBooks; No physical product

Is trustable?

In my honest opinion, I would NOT say this is a fishy program. It works. It has helped people in so many ways and in different issues/cases. I’m not being biased here. If you go to the website and took the video reading/report, you will get why I’m all about it.

My friends and family fancy it, and I don’t see anything wrong in believing in things such as numerology or fortune-telling. It’s all up to people and their beliefs and choices, which I think should be respected either way.

Before writing this review, I’ve read a handful of other reviews, from actual people, about this system and there are, of course, a few negative ones that we cannot be avoided. That being said, this, I think is another “positive” review about Numerologist, and I’m not sorry about it.


What I don’t like about this program is that I couldn’t get a feel of it, there are no physical merchandise and/or products, but I’m still all about it despite all of that.

I remember the first time I took that free reading. It was totally crazy that it’s accurate in so many levels and aspects. The “Master” had guessed my whole life in minutes, without me having to provide him any other information or having to see my palm. They’re really good.

While you’re still here, let me tell you a quick fact about me: I used to NOT believe in stuff like this. I didn’t believe in numerology or astrology of some sort, and I wasn’t even “religious” per se. But, I do pray, I’ll give you that.

I did not close my doors to new feats or things that will test my “belief”, but when a friend sent me the link to, I thought to myself “Frick it, I’m in. There’s nothing to lose, anyway”.

So, here I am. I still pray, but I somehow expanded my knowledge and beliefs that I am willing to impart with other people (that are willing, of course). I’m all about freedom. I would never force my viewpoint to someone to make a “point“.

Well, I hope I haven’t somehow scared you off, so if you got to this page, kudos and thank you! 😉

Remember that there is no harm in believing in something that the majority of people don’t believe in. We are entitled to our own opinions and stance. Don’t let anyone stop you in trying to know what you want to know about some things concerning your future, let alone your life.

I guess let’s talk some more on the comment section below. Tell me, what do you believe in? Have you gone to Numerologist and got your free reading? If you still haven’t, would you try it? Let’s hear it! 🙂

That’s all for now, I hope you took value from this Numerologist review… We always, always keep it real with you 🙂

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